HBS Working Knowledge: Technology: Microsoft vs. Open Source: Who Will Win?
Secondo lo studio effettuato dai professori della scuola di business di Harvard, Pankaj Ghemawat e Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, la pirateria agevola la Microsoft: dove la pirateria è più alta, Linux ha il minor tasso di penetrazione; il loro modello dimostra quindi che la Microsoft può usare la pirateria come un discriminante del prezzo, e che la pirateria può risultare in profitti ancora più alti per la Microsoft:
HBS Working Knowledge: Technology: Microsoft vs. Open Source: Who Will Win?: "We also look at the effect of piracy and ask whether piracy can ever be beneficial to Microsoft. This extension was motivated by analyzing data on a cross-section of countries on Linux penetration and piracy rates. We found that in countries where piracy is highest, Linux has the lowest penetration rate. The model shows that Microsoft can use piracy as an effective tool to price discriminate, and that piracy may even result in higher profits to Microsoft!"
HBS Working Knowledge: Technology: Microsoft vs. Open Source: Who Will Win?: "We also look at the effect of piracy and ask whether piracy can ever be beneficial to Microsoft. This extension was motivated by analyzing data on a cross-section of countries on Linux penetration and piracy rates. We found that in countries where piracy is highest, Linux has the lowest penetration rate. The model shows that Microsoft can use piracy as an effective tool to price discriminate, and that piracy may even result in higher profits to Microsoft!"